
Email is essential for most businesses. Whether your dealership is online or offline, small or large, email is an important tool. It streamlines communications between departments, customers, vendors, clients, etc.

Email is not only a communication tool but also a very powerful marketing tool, and many dealers rely on email marketing as a big part of their overall digital marketing strategy. Email is ubiquitous around the world, and billions of email messages are sent and received daily.

Being such a popular channel for business communications and marketing, it is also one of the most targeted for cyber attacks. Today, hackers and cybercriminals actively use email to compromise operations, steal their sensitive data, or take advantage in some form.

Compromising Business Emails

Cybercrime is rising by the day, and most businesses are targeted for cyber attacks through their emails. Cybercriminals typically use phishing scams to breach your business email, and their tactics and approach are becoming more advanced every day.

Sometimes, knowing whether your email has been compromised or not can be difficult.

The best solution to their modern email hacking methods is to stay vigilant and ensure that your dealership has all the necessary protections in place. For starters, train your staff to keep an eye out for emails sent to compromise your online security and tell them to never click on suspicious-looking links.

Inserting bad links in emails is one of the most common ways cybercriminals gain access to your dealership’s sensitive data, networks, or emails. These links can compromise your systems and put control in the hands of cybercriminals.

Signs That Your Emails Have Been Compromised

You and your staff should be on the lookout for several signs to know if cybercriminals have compromised your email. A compromised email account can be identified by looking for the following signs:

  • Unusual emails in your sent folder, which you do not recognize or recall sending yourself.
  • Receiving unusual notifications or messages about password resets, which you did not initiate.
  • Receiving unusual complaints or concerns from your business contacts.

These are all signs that your dealership email may have already been compromised.

Have Your Emails Been Compromised?

Compromising business emails is one of the most common and favored ways for cybercriminals to gain access. If you have experienced the signs mentioned here, your email might no longer be safe.

If you are concerned about your email security, take steps today to protect your dealership. All it takes is one person to click one bad link, and your business could be the victim of a vicious attack.

If you need help and advice on email security or suspect your email has already been compromised, get in touch with us today.

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Kevin possesses the unique ability to understand, and explain in non-threatening and non-technical ways how technology, business and team members work with, and sometimes, against each other. He has an innate ability to understand how technology works at the basic conceptual level and how it interacts with hardware, software, networking, people and business processes. A rare combination in today's technology arena.

Kevin lives in Charleston, South Carolina with his bride Summer, their two sons - Caleb and Isaiah - and their Vizsla wonder dog Dexter.