
Data security breaches and cybercrime have been increasing all across the world. Individuals and businesses are all under threat from cyberattacks that hack and steal valuable data. Dealerships are especially at a disadvantage to lose their data, reputation, customers, goodwill, time and partners.

Cybercriminals tend to attack weaker security systems that do not take adequate security measures to protect their networks and sensitive data. Dealerships, large or small, are all prone to cyberattacks unless they take precautionary security measures.

Increasing Threat

The recent shift in the way we conduct business, remote working, has changed many things and cyber security is one of them. Employees are no longer in offices and are instead working from home and using their own networks, which is putting your dealership data at higher risk.

Remote working and working from home have significantly increased the threat of cyberattacks and data breaches. Cybercriminals are getting smarter with their hacking methods every day and they come up with newer, more clever techniques to breach security, infect devices with malware and steal your data.

So, what can dealerships, employees and individuals do to protect their data at home or in public?

Install a VPN

Employees who work from home have a much greater chance of protecting their devices and data if they install a Virtual Private Network (VPN) on all their devices. VPNs can help protect your sensitive data with an impenetrable wall of military-grade encryption.

This makes it extremely difficult for hackers to breach and intercept sensitive data. VPNs make your computer act like it is on the same local network as the VPN, diverting all your network traffic to the secure network of the VPN.

VPNs are an easy-to-use and simple tool that give your devices and data a much-needed layer of protection against cyberattacks. They are not invasive, nor do they interrupt any activity on devices, you simply need to switch them on and go about your work.

They will protect any unwanted exposure of the local resources and sensitive data of your dealership on your employees’ home or public networks.

Protect Your Dealership

The current work from home trend is here to stay for the indefinite future and businesses need to protect their data at employees’ home networks as well. The first and most basic step for securing your data against cyberattacks is installing a VPN.

Hackers and cybercriminals are very aware of modern trends and weaknesses of business data on home networks. Do not let weak security systems breach data and cost your dealership time and resources. If your teams are working from home, your dealership needs VPN protection.

If you want to learn more about VPNs, protecting your data and what other cyber security options and solutions are available to you, please get in touch with us today.

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Kevin possesses the unique ability to understand, and explain in non-threatening and non-technical ways how technology, business and team members work with, and sometimes, against each other. He has an innate ability to understand how technology works at the basic conceptual level and how it interacts with hardware, software, networking, people and business processes. A rare combination in today's technology arena.

Kevin lives in Charleston, South Carolina with his bride Summer, their two sons - Caleb and Isaiah - and their Vizsla wonder dog Dexter.